Category: News

Government’s Budget Failure

The recent Autumn Budget has yet again demonstrated the Government’s dismal lack of support for our police service. As Labour PCCs, we urged the Chancellor to take bold action and fully fund our police service, but once again, they have failed to listen and have provided no new money for our cash-strapped police forces. Ministers…
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Victim Care Merseyside Hub

I am absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of the new Victim Care Merseyside hub – a team of real people on hand to make a real difference if you’ve been affected by crime. This dedicated, specially trained team has been created to act as a single point of contact for all victims of crime on Merseyside, providing free, confidential, non-judgemental advice and…
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Police Race Action Plan

Last month, the National Police Chiefs Council launched their Race Action Plan to outline their approach to tackling the disproportionality and disparity that currently exists within policing. This is a difficult conversation to have, but an incredibly important one, to ensure that we improve police’s relationship with black and minority communities. Today’s launch of the national Race Action Plan:…
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Summer Youth Diversion Fund

Last month, I launched the latest round of my Youth Diversion Fund,  aimed at providing safe activities for young people over the summer period to deter ASB and help to ease the burden for families struggling to make ends meet. Projects receiving funding for the summer months will be announced shortly. Find out more about the…
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She Inspires Football Tournament

Last weekend I was delighted to host the She Inspires football tournament, a joint initiative with the Chief Constable, which saw 120 young women provided with the opportunity to develop their football skills and gain qualifications to help them reach their full potential. Find out more.

Safer Streets

In response to my survey last Summer, which said that women and girls don’t feel safe on public transport, in March I launched the Safer Streets Liverpool Campaign. Working in partnership with Liverpool City Council, Merseytravel and Merseyside Police, the campaign includes enhanced CCTV around bus stations, bystander training for staff, and education programmes in schools…
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Dying to Work Pledge

Earlier this year I was proud to officially gain recognition from the Living Wage Foundation demonstrating our commitment to ensuring staff are paid a fair wage for the work they do. This month, in partnership with the Chief Constable, our Police unions and TUC, I have signed up to the TUC Dying to Work pledge, confirming our…
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Call for improved protection for vulnerable adults in custody

As the national PCC lead for Custody, I have called for the provision of an appropriate adult service to be a statutory service to ensure no vulnerable adult such as those with a learning disability, is left without support in custody. Find out more about why this matters.

A Real Living Wage

I was really proud this month to be officially recognised by the Living Wage Foundation as a Living Wage employer. It’s more important than ever that staff get paid a fair wage for the work they do. It was a commitment I made to deliver in my first year of office and so I’m pleased to…
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Hillsborough Law Now

Following on from the calls made by Steve Rotheram, Andy Burnham, Maria Eagle and many others, I was pleased to join with my fellow Labour PCCs to call for a Hillsborough Law Now. The Hillsborough families fought for decades to try and get answers about what happened that awful day. No-one should have to fight as hard…
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