Category: News

Emily Spurrell re-elected as Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner

Labour’s Emily Spurrell thanked voters on Merseyside for re-electing her to be the region’s Police and Crime Commissioner for a second term. Emily took 61.7% of the vote, beating challenges from three other candidates to secure a further four years in office on a promise to continue to fight crime and invest in hard-hit neighbourhoods.…
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Labour’s Police & Crime Commissioner pledges a safer, stronger Merseyside

Labour’s Police Commissioner Emily Spurrell has today launched her manifesto setting out her commitments if re-elected for a second term on Thursday May 2nd. Emily was first elected in 2021 and has since delivered £14 million additional funding for victims and crime prevention, launched the brand new Victim Care hub, invested £350,000 in better opportunities…
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Crime across Merseyside drops by 13% in year

Crime across Merseyside has fallen by 13% in the past year, with significant decreases in gun discharges, knife crime and burglary. The reductions were confirmed yesterday at the Police and Crime Commissioner’s final public Scrutiny Meeting of her term. The meeting, which reviews Merseyside Police’s progress against the priorities set by Emily Spurrell, showed there…
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£400,000 to help victims over the next five years

Merseyside’s Police Commissioner has pledged £400,000 over the next five years to give victims of crime the opportunity to get answers from those who have harmed them. Emily Spurrell has announced she is expanding the region’s restorative justice service to run for the next five years. Following a competitive tendering process, not-for-profit community interest company…
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New measures to tackle business crime in Merseyside roll out on Safer Business Action Day

Today, the region’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Emily Spurrell, officers from Merseyside Police and businesses across the region are joining forces for Safer Business Action Day. Local policing teams will be undertaking proactive patrols, plain clothed operations, talking to shop owners and engaging with local communities to show their commitment to tackling business-related crime. From…
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Safer, Stronger Merseyside

Merseyside unites behind new plan to prevent serious violence

Organisations across Merseyside will unite today (Friday 9th February) to launch a new plan to drive forward the work to prevent and reduce serious violence across our region. Statistics released last week show serious violence on Merseyside has decreased by 8% in the past year, knife crime is down by 18.6% and gun crime is…
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Merseyside Women’s Services Alliance relaunched

Merseyside’s Police Commissioner, Emily Spurrell, has today relaunched the region’s Women’s Services Alliance with the aim of cutting crime and preventing women’s lives being derailed by short prison sentences. The majority of women sent to prison in England and Wales last year were handed sentences of six months or less, according to the Prison Reform…
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PCC calls on community groups as Proceeds of Crime funding gives back to Garston

Emily Spurrell is calling on community groups, charities and organisations in Garston to apply for a share of £25,000 funding, made available using money seized from criminals. From today (Monday 4 December), community groups operating in Garston, or intending to use the funding within this area, can apply for grants of up to £5,000 to…
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Fire engines drive the message there is No Excuse for sexual violence

Fire engines are driving the message across Merseyside that there is No Excuse for sexual violence of any kind. Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service have given their support to the Safer Streets Merseyside campaign by featuring the artwork on two of their fire appliances. Safer Streets Merseyside is an awareness-raising campaign focused on preventing sexual…
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Successful week to tackle knife crime as data shows 22% reduction in offences across Merseyside

Merseyside Police and partners’ intensified efforts to tackle knife crime has resulted in almost 250 knives and dangerous weapons removed from the streets, as part of a national week of action. Operation Sceptre ran from Monday 13 November to Sunday 19 November, as part of a national effort to target those carrying weapons, prevent knife…
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